BRC Race Series 2023 – How Far In an Hour

Our 3rd event in this year’s race series was a little different from the normal race events with the return of “How Far in An Hour” where you just click your watch and run along for the next hour, simples isn’t it 🙂
This year we tied in the event with the Sunday social runs and ran the event over two Sundays on the 16th and 23rd April. The club gathering for the event this year was at Victoria Park and most runners took in VIctoria Park, Airport Road and Titanic Quarter against the backdrop of Samson and Goliath

On the 16th Vernon and Tony set the early pace running just over an impressive 14km with Vernon just edging it and race series leader Liz coming in at 13.39km doing all she can to maintain the overall lead. Also coming in on the first Sunday were Andrew, Rowena and Paul. Our Sunday Social runners (and Ciaran Toner who had just smashed his 5K pb the day before) also joined us in Victoria Park and all enjoyed the coffee from the wee kiosk.

Onto the following Sunday which was also London Marathon day we had a good turnout of runners passing by each other in and around similar locations that saw Callum blasting his way to an impressive 15.16Km followed by Aine with 13.71Km and Tom also passing the 13K mark. Also coming in this Sunday were Mark R, Jill, Donna , Tommy, Johnny P and Aaron.
With the promise of coffee afterwards by Paul oh wait ok scrub that.. Sunday’s social gathering was completed with Paul, Andrew and Ciaran Toner (him again). The fact that some of our Sunday Social Runners were missing has nothing to do with the fact that there was a Murder Mystery party taking place the night before!

How Far in an hour 23rd April

Also completing the How Far in an Hour at other locations were Graham ,Grainne, Brendan, Matthew M and Siobhan (all the way down in Portstewart, there’s dedication for you)

So where does that leave us overall well we have our current champ Jill level in 3rd place with Aine on 137 points but the top two is about the Robinson Family (Is that a movie?) with Callum on 142pts and Liz still holding the lead with 145 points. Further down the line we have our chairman Brendan on 91 points but with only two events completed and we all know about the importance of games in hand.

Next up in the race series is our visit to Craigavon parkrun on Saturday 13th May 2023.

Full results of our race series can be found here.